Welcome to Texas Only All-Women Highland Games!
Celebrating the strength, skill, and tradition of female athletes in the Highland Games, we are proud to host the only all-women’s competition in Texas. Our event honors the history of women in the sport while providing a space for camaraderie, competition, and empowerment. Whether you’re a seasoned thrower or new to the games, join us in keeping the spirit of the Highlands alive—one stone, caber, and hammer at a time!

The Highland Games have long been a celebration of strength, skill, and tradition, but for too long, women’s participation has been overlooked or relegated to the sidelines. A women’s-focused Highland Games is not just about competition—it’s about creating a space where female athletes can showcase their power, skill, and dedication in an environment that fully supports and celebrates them. By highlighting the achievements of women in the sport, we honor the history of female competitors who have fought for recognition while inspiring future generations to step onto the field with confidence. This event isn’t about separating women from the Games but ensuring they have the platform they deserve within it.